Monday, October 7, 2013

A Shower for Baby Ward!!

So I know I am jumping ahead a little bit, but this past weekend was so special that I had to share it now, instead of trying to get a few more "history of my pregnancy" posts in!

Yesterday, October 6th was my first ever BABY SHOWER...and man were we showered!  I seriously have the best friends and family a girl (and baby) could ask for!  I mean this shower was absolutely beautiful!  Every single detail was planned with love!  It as gorgeous!  This was actually the start of what I am calling my "marathon of showers" as I am a triply blessed mama who will be having not 1 but 3 showers over the course of the month!

Baby Ward sure was loved, getting lots of cute little goodies from stuffed animals, to handsome outfits (so he can look just as handsome as his daddy) and many necessities to care for this little guy!  The love I felt from all who were there was overwhelming and I couldn't imagine a better group of people to walk through this life with than all of these ladies!

To commemorate the day here are a few of the pictures from the shower!

Baby Ward's beautiful Grandma and MY beautiful mom...we are so lucky!!

Two of the best Aunties and Gammy a boy could have!

My sisters and future Aunties...I am seeing a lot of fun in this guy's future!

My beautiful, talented and amazing hostesses and besties...they made this day so incredibly special!!

Dawn and Amanda!!  Love these girls!

My work girls!!!

Two representatives of our couples group!  Love you Kara and Krista!! 

My cute Grandma!  This will be her first Great Grandson!!

Love these decorations!

There's the bump, all framed and everything!  

Both Chris and I feel so blessed to have such amazing people in our life!  God truly has blessed us!

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