Sunday, October 6, 2013

HE or SHE What Will It Be??

Once we returned from Maui we had an appointment scheduled for June 21, 2013!  We were so excited to find out if we were having a little Mister or a little Miss!  We decided to have a Gender Reveal Party where we would have our families over and we would all find out together! Saturday came and we went to the ultrasound place...we were so nervous/excited!  In order to keep it a secret from us the tech turned the screen off while she determined the gender and then put the results in an envelope and handed it over.  NOT looking inside that envelope was the HARDEST thing!!!  My husband was such a trooper as he actually really dislikes surprises.  Not just sort of doesn't prefer them, but actually really really doesn't like them.  He's the guy who watches the reality t.v. shows and looks up the results ahead of time because he doesn't like waiting until the end!  So you can imagine that this wasn't his most favorite way to find out...but he went  along with it and was extremely supportive! I took the envelope to Party City and had previously decorated a large box and left the box with the store clerk and asked them to put either blue or pink balloons inside the box and tape it up.  I got the idea on Pinterest and couldn't resist the idea of making this momentous moment in our life as special as possible!

So fast forward a few hours later and our family gathered in our house for the big moment!  It was so fun to have everyone there, waiting along with us to find out the big news!  The time had finally what was the result you ask??  Well we captured it on video so see below for the big news!

That's's a BOY!!  We were sooooo excited to know that our little baby was going to be a HE! Here are a few more pics from that special day!  

A picture of our cute little box!

Our little man's first official outfit!

It's a BOY!

The journey towards meeting our little guy was flying by! Only 6 more months to wait!!  The next hurdle would be the name (just so you know, this is still not decided...we will just have to wait until our little guy is here before we decide)!!

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